The SACCORD combines SKILLS and ACCORDANCE by collecting skills intelligence and data to support the European Skills Agenda and facilitates collaboration and joining up of partners at European and regional level who have not previously worked together in supporting the Large-Scale Skills Partnership (LSP) on Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs). The SACCORD consortium aims to support, transfer and foster innovation and localisation of the Skills Partnership.

To support the work of the LSP, SACCORD partners will establish a Skills Observatory that will continually invite and inspire LSP partners to share their re- and upskilling activities and help disseminate best practimissices beyond the reach of the LSP. In parallel, an LSP engagement model will be developed to target new industry members, as proposed in the Creative Pact for Skills Manifesto.

A forward-looking approach will transfer the LSP to Local Ecosystem Partners (LEPs) to accelerate the current reach and significance of the Covenant Pact Partners and will extend the work and methodology of the LSP to regional level in an agile and reflexive methodology (BUILD-MEASURE-LEARN). Demonstrators and replicators will engage with local ecosystem partners to discuss and evaluate the urgent skills needs for the European Green Transition, Digitalisation and Entrepreneurial action, explored in an evaluation study and report on the potential use of micro-skills as a means of re- and upskilling Europe's creative talent.

SACCORD develops and facilitates a large-scale event CREATIVE SKILLS WEEK in order to share experiences, foster collaboration and provide information on skill intelligence to policy.

Furthermore, SACCORD will also provide the development of a Policy Action Plan to connect the outcomes with regional and European policies.

The project is co-funded by Erasmus plus Forward-Looking Project Scheme.